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Kazushi Tatsuishi (辰石 一志, Tatsuishi Kazushi?) is a supporting character in My Happy Marriage series. He is the first son of the Tatsuishi family, the oldest son of Minoru Tatsuishi and Mrs. Tatsuishi, the older brother of Kouji Tatsuishi and the current head of the Tatsuishi family.


Tazushi Tatsuishi

Kazushi’s upper body appearance

Kazushi has lavender pink hair that ends around his lower neck. He usually wears his hair down and it appears to be a bit on the messier side, most likely thanks to his light curls at the ends.

His eyes, compared to his younger brother, Kouji, seem to be a bit more resting and easy going. He has a pointy chin and a diamond like face with a very noticeably sharp jaw.

While his brother is a more minimalistic styled person, Kazushi appears and dresses very differently compared to Kouji.

Physically, Kazushi seems to give of a very confident and straight posture, by his neck we could possibly hint of that he might be a bit more to the skinny but still muscular side.

Compared to other characters, Kazushi’s dressing style is very unique. Many times he is seen wearing a very fancy haori. While there are certain levels of formal and informal male kimonos, Kazushi still appears many times in the nagagi styled kimonos, which are considered informal.



He is naturally easy-going and friendly in his everyday interactions, he seems to have a fun and pleasant vibe to him.

However, when faced with the prince, he easily switches to a serious and formal mode. His demeanor becomes composed, he follows a basic etiquette around his highness, and his speech reflects respect.

This ability shows that Kazushi is emotionally intelligent is able to navigate various social scenarios with ease.


Kazushi is born in the Tatsuishi family as the oldest son of Minoru and Mrs Tatsuishi.



Kazushi's own Gift is unknown, but it is not very strong and he can't use it flexibly. However, as the eldest son in the Tatsuishi family who will one day inherit the family business, he cannot be incompetent. Therefore, he began to hone the skills that allowed him to truly perform his duties without using Gifts. One of the techniques he is best at is dispelling. As for the basic martial arts, Kazushi has also learned almost all of them. He exercised himself while having fun.[2]



Kazushi uses his dispelling ability

  • Dispelling: Kazushi possesses the ability to undo curses or techniques on the living. He uses this ability first when he frees Kouji from the binding technique that Minoru had applied to prevent Kouji from escaping. Later, Kazushi tries to remove the curse of the dead on an unconscious man who had come into contact with the grudge of a Grotesquerie, but fails. He is also asked to remove the same curse from Kiyoka Kudou, but admits he can't do anything about it.[3]
  • Silencing: Kazushi is seen playfully silencing his brother using a supernatural technique. By pointing his finger towards his brother and swiftly moving it to the left in a straight line, he caused Kouji's mouth to shut and stop talking instantly. After a few seconds, Kazushi finally waves his hand and Kouji is able to open his mouth and breathe again.[4]



When Kazushi was still a young boy and his brother, his family and the Saimori family maintained a friendly relationship, because their estates were very close to each other. There is an age gap between Kazushi and the two Saimori half-sisters. In addition to being busy playing "adult games" outside, he also has to work hard to inherit the family business, so he does not particularly interact with the two half-sisters. However, whenever the two families had the opportunity to communicate, he could often catch a glimpse of the two people. Kazushi's impression is that Miyo is a girl who is incompatible with the Saimori family. In his eyes, she had a haggard face, and a lingering gloomy expression. Besides, she always lowered her head so she wouldn't meet anyone's eyes. It was as if she could only stare at the ground. Compared with her lively and outgoing half-sister, she is like light and shadow. Except for Kouji, no one would approach Miyo. She was like a silent shadow to Kazushi. He finds nothing eye-catching about her at all, and she is the complete opposite of the adjective "gorgeous". No matter how he looks at her, there are no qualities that are enough to attract others. After Miyo got engaged to Kiyoka Kudou, she changed and Kazushi notices the difference when he looks at her during their collaboration in the infiltration operation at the Imperial Army headquarters to rescue Kiyoka. He now finds her appearance, posture, and movements all elegant and calm, just like the daughter of the most upper-class nobleman. Although he still believes she can't be called "gorgeous", he considers her more beautiful than any woman Kazushi has met so far. He believes no one will think that she is shameful anymore.[2]


Volume 1[]

Kazushi's younger brother Kouji Tatsuishi is sulking at the courtyard of the Tatsuishi estate when a maid announces that his fiancee Kaya Saimori has arrived at the residence. Kazushi appears and makes fun of him. Kouji defends himself and then starts to blame his engagement to Kaya on his brother for ignoring his responsibilities as the eldest son. Kazushi responds by using Telekinesis to force Kouji's lips shut in a teasing manner. After he starts walking away, he flicks his hand, allowing Kouji to open his mouth again, leaving him gasping for air.[4]

Volume 2[]

Kazushi with Kiyoka Kudo and Masashi Ookaito

Kiyoka questions Kazuki's clothing choice

After Prince Takaihito received a Divine Revelation, he invites Kiyoka Kudou, Masashi Ookaito and Kazushi to the palace for an audience. When the former two arrive at the palace, Kazushi has already gotten there ahead of them and greets them at the entryway. Upon seeing the ostentatious kimono that Kazushi is dressed in, Kiyoka questions his clothing choice.[5]

Kazushi explains to him that since he isn’t a military officer, the only orders he should be following are direct orders from the Emperor. Kiyoka then questions if there should be some level of etiquette and Kazushi simply says that everything they see if his formal wear, eventually Kiyoka says that he will let this situation slide past them and Kazushi mentions that he shouldn’t get all wound up for clothing.[6]

Kazushi bowing in front of his highness

Kazushi bowing in front of the prince

Once the prince allows them to enter and talk to him, Kazushi takes the lead with his speech involving his father’s actions and how he will be finally taking lead of the Tatsuishi family, he apologies to his highness, and explains that with the help of the Kudou family, he will do his best to restore respect and honor to his family's name. Taikahito then forgives the Tatsuishi family for the damage and chaos that was caused and allows Kazushi to become the head of the family and hopes that he can live up to the words and statements he has proclaimed to him. While Kazushi stays for the rest of the meeting he does not chime in to speak or add onto anyone.[6]

When Kiyoka and his men search the area around the grave sight to find any Grotesquerie, Kazushi and Masashi stay in a tent with one of the men found near the sight. Kazushi explains that the man was found passed out in the bushes near by, while the man has a pulse he isn’t conscious. Masashi and him talk how the man isn’t only the victim within the situation he got himself into near the grave and that he is one of perpetrators in the unsealing. They question if the man ever comes to again, and the actions that the man will have to take once he does wake up, Masashi mentions that this man wasn’t the only one and how several more were discovered near the grave sight as well, none are awake though. Kazushi then assumes that the reason all these men might be unconscious is because of a curse, and Masashi adds on that during their unsealing they might have come across a grotesquerie, one that had recently been freed from the grave, which could have caused their current state.[7]

Kazushi overwhelmed by the curse

Kazushi overwhelmed

Kazushi then goes on to explain that his abilities only reach a certain level called kaijutsu, which, in his scenario, can be only used on conscious people and that lifting a curse off of unconscious people is another skill, which he might not posses. Then Kazushi is asked by Masashi to try his best and figure out what is wrong, he uses his abilities and tries to remove the curse from the man’s body, yet once he begins he is quickly stopped by what seems to be the curse/grotesquerie. He then explains to Masashi that the curse is too strong for him, its more than he can handle and it’s overwhelming.[7]

Family tree[]

Tatsuishi family[]



  • Kazushi was originally meant to be engaged to Miyo but this was quickly abandoned after Shinichi received a proposal from the Kudou family.
  • Kazushi is a point of view character in chapter 3 of the sixth volume of the novel.


